Pick a Day… {Day 13 of 31 Days}

Since yesterday was about making a creative space… today is about using the space!

If you are just beginning to carve out the spaces like I am, and are trying to find ways and means to continue in creative work, you may also feel as I do—that there is little time and opportunity.

Here is a challenge:  spend one day a month doing something creative. I don’t mean the entire day, unless you want to or can do so, but take a look at your calendar for the next month, and pick one day and try to find a minimum 30 minute window.

Right now— put it in your calendar, that time is blocked. You’ve just written it down, carved out a bit of time, and put on the calendar, as a reminder that you will use that space for a project or for some quiet time…whatever you need to do.

If you have a bit more time, or more days to add, then you can always add more.

I’ll have another idea for you on Friday! 🙂

How do you carve out time for the creative projects, study time, etc.? Share any ideas below.