The Quiet

Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...

The Quiet

Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...


A photographer sees life at different angles and distances: a bugs-eye view, a birds-eye view, close-up, faraway, panoramic, etc. The different views help the photographer to present life as he/she sees it: realistically, idealistically, as a collage, as a mirage, or...

Praying like Hannah

She prays so fervently he thinks she is drunk. She doesn’t speak out loud, just moves her mouth quietly, silently but in earnest. Guessing by the priest’s response (that she is drunk), I presume that not too many people actually come to the temple praying earnestly,...