The Power of Waves

  “He won’t be with us much longer, ” she says.  I haven’t seen her in a few years. I am headed to a writer’s retreat, which she was also planning to attend. At the last minute, she calls to tell me she is unable to attend. *** I head...

Writing Advice (by Rainer Maria Rilke)

“Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most...

Summer Reflection #3: In the Middle

It feels like the middle here. This is where we have to choose, while here in this middle ground. The “middle” can possess some negative connotations: “Don’t get caught in the middle…The middle child…” It’s like sitting...

Summer Reflection #2

  Faithfulness in writing brings a fruit, a knowing, a kind of reward. Writing is a cycle, with phases, just like the moon. There are times of darkness and times of illumination. The moon has no light of its own. It reflects the light of the sun. On our own, we...