Our Times Around the Sun

My son is fond of saying, “Mom, I’ve been around the sun ten times.” And last year, he had traveled “nine times”.  Yes, he has. I hadn’t thought of it quite that way until he had spoken it. I’m not sure how many more times...

Message of the Hyacinth, Part Two

I felt dense. On Monday I wrote about how a tiny little hyacinth plant filled the room with its sweet perfume. One commenter noted, innocuously enough, that the post reminded her of the passage from John 12, where the woman breaks open her jar of expensive perfume and...

“What Will a Life Magnify?”

“What Will a Life Magnify?” Did Jesus practice eucharisteo as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all...

A Long Walk

It must have been a long walk. It started with hot, salty tears, poured out, drenching the ground, feeling forsaken by all in the world, but especially by God himself. Must have been a long walk, the longest walk a human could know, the walk from Gethsemane to...

Not Alone

  He smiles through wrinkles, his pain hiding behind the smile. He says she’s in a nursing home now. And a tear slides down his cheek. He brushes the tear away. She doesn’t see. He pushes the wheelchair. They move slowly up the ramp he had built for...

Nothing is too big

Linking up with Ann Voskamp on the theme of “Letting Go” at Walk with Him Wednesdays…. Just yesterday, we watch the little bird bounce through the air. The little creature flies right in front of us, bobbing up and down. His eyes get big, and he...

The Thaw

The Thaw   Under the sun, The snow drips In a rhythmic beat And swirls down the street In a flowing stream Moving, melding, meshing Until many rivers meet And swell in gushing unison Eventually reaching the big deep Many waters, becoming one… When winter...

One Moment in Time

Even  just the few pages I have read of Ann Voskamp’s writings have drawn me deeper into Truth. I just found her blog, read the latest few entries, and have only read chapter one of One Thousand Gifts. Her words, beautiful, raw– yet also polished with the...