
Author ~ Speaker ~ Consultant

I’m Prasanta, an author, speaker, and a nonprofit and public health professional. Welcome to my online home! I want to help us envision a world where we are all more socially connected and a little less lonely, and I’m here to help you and your business grow. Click below to learn more about me, and feel free to explore this site and send me a message!

Beyond Ethnic Loneliness:

The Pain of Marginalization and the Path to Belonging

Drawing upon her experiences as an Indian American immigrant, Prasanta Verma names and sheds light on the realities of ethnic loneliness. She unpacks the effects of cultural isolation and shows us how our places of exile can become places of hope.

Available at your favorite retailer and wherever books are sold!!

Invite Prasanta to speak at your event!

Prasanta brings high energy and passion to her speaking! A skilled communicator, she was a high school speech and debate coach for 10 years, coaching several nationally-ranked speakers. Read more about her speaking topics and audience testimonies on her Speaking Page.

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