I’m starting a new journey… of a thousand thanks.

A thousand thanks to a God who gives me abundantly more than I deserve, who’s given me life, breath, feet that can walk, hands that can touch, ears that can listen, eyes that can see. He gives so much more than this, as this inner spirit-man grows to see more than the physical, and can begin to experience what is beyond only eyes can see.

A thousand  thanks.

I didn’t want to do it. I had decided not to. I didn’t want to start this list, this journey… afraid I couldn’t keep it up and would fail somehow.

But I start only with a #1…and add a few more.

If I can keep going for the rest of my life, the list could be magnanimous.

One is a starting place, so I’ll just start there. A start on the journey of journaling the ways He blesses, He gives, He loves. A chronicle of His love. Of Him. Of  the beauty amidst the brokenness. All that is beautiful… is of Him and from Him… is Him.

I break the bread… and give thanks.


a hot cup of homemade chai to start the day

the bird’s song this morning, announcing the coming of spring

the praise dance concert last night

eyes that can see

hands that can touch

feet that can walk

ears that can hear

mouth that can speak and laugh

seasons… especially that the cold one finally steps aside to make room for one that is colorful and alive and delights the soul… like a cold heart melting and giving space for love to come in

cold hearts that melt and let love inside

words… words to express what’s inside

and… you’ll laugh, but

for the local dollar store, where I bought the glittery foam eggs you see in the photo above… so I could make a colorful centerpiece… so yes, thankful for the dollar store!