What Did Autumn Ask (poem)

What did Autumn ask Of you On trails of fallen leaves Where children stomp Adults stroll and winds scatter? What did your eyes seek Among the rust, the gold? You are the rod, the arm, the voice You are honey withdrawn From my soul A foggy, misty morning Is what I...

Autumn Leaf (Poem)

Beautifully curling upward, Cupping droplets that land on its skin I take my finger, wipe the drop Leaving a skirmish behind The autumn leaf is like a heart Turned toward heaven Changing colors, singing in its death— I wonder, Leaf, how many songs have you sung? * I...

Quotes from Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte’s book, Jane Eyre, was first published on this day in 1847. I was introduced to this book in high school for class. Loved the book then, and still do. I reread it from time to time.  I had a wonderful email exchange on this book recently with a...

The Sea (poem by Pablo Neruda)

  The Sea by Pablo Neruda, On the Blue Shore of Silence I need the sea because it teaches me, I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, if it’s a single wave or its vast existence, or only its harsh voice or its shining suggestion of fishes and ships. The fact...

senescent (poem)

Senescent (adjective) growing old; aging. Cell Biology. (of a cell) no longer capable of dividing but still alive and metabolically active. As in: trees laughing leaves, dropping down on me, floating in the wind. I catch a handful of laughter, toss it back in the air....