If you happen to have a flat tire:
1) make sure it happens near a gas station, before getting on the interstate
2) Aim for a warmer day, above 50 degrees, for example
3) Pull out the reading material you happen to have with you, which you normally don’t drive around with; it’ll come in handy in case you have to wait, oh about 45 minutes or so for Triple A to come
4) Spend $4 of the $5 you have with you at the gas station store to get two bottled waters, and a bag of Chips Ahoy cookies for your 11 year old son. LOL 🙂
5) After getting inspired by watching the tire getting changed, make a mental note of the comment of your son, who says, “I should learn how to do this.” Good idea….
6) Profusely thank your music teacher for taking your daughter to her home after the music workshop ends, as you are delayed because of the flat tire, and everyone is leaving already.
7) Post as a blog entry, if true. 🙂
I am thankful of the many little ways God looks after us. I could have had the flat tire at night, on the interstate, ended up in an accident, etc. The possibilities of worst-case scenarios are many.
I believe this is the case so many times that we are not even aware of it. Sometimes, it is obvious– we know we escaped a major catastrophe. In other circumstances, however, we are not even aware of what we have been protected from.
Grace pours down on us, like rain, all the time, all the time!
677. Protection some days ago when I had the flat tire.
678. My youngest was able to attend his very first retreat recently. He was so excited; he has been watching his older siblings attend retreats, and finally, it was his turn. Thankful for the leaders, staff and people who organized and made a special retreat for these children. Thankful my husband could go with him (he wasn’t quite ready to go alone).
679. A beautiful, inspiring evening of a Praise and Worship Dance event on Sunday night. God’s name was lifted up as various dance styles (from urban praise, African, Latino to ballet, and more) were offered in worship. How awesome is that!
680. So good to be back in the saddle (blogging saddle) — after a brief trip out of town, and also with a lack of internet service (still waiting for the problem to be fixed)!
681. Safe trip out of town. Spent a few days watching a forensics tournament with teens: debate and speeches. I absolutely loved it. It was such a joy and an encouragement to see this group of kids who are articulate, well-behaved and who love God. What an enjoyable trip!
682. Finally owning a piece of piano music called the “Canon in D” by Pachelbel. It’s in my daughter’s music book. I’ve loved that piece for years, and now finally– we have it and I’m learning to play it! That piece of music is one of my favorites, ever. It makes me pause and contemplate… I think of the past, present and future.
683. Trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Learned, saw, enjoyed. Will try to return again in a year or two. Good discussions, and a worthwhile place to take the kids.
684. Surprise visit from my parents at the forensics tournament! 🙂 They drove 7 hours to surprise us and watch some of the tournament. (Of course having a grand-daughter compete was also part of the draw!) They immensely enjoyed it and so did we!