Resurrection Sunday blooms red.

A month early, tulips and daffodils accent the walk to the front door.

The day is blustery, sunny, fresh.

I attended the Easter service on Saturday night service with my eldest. She joined the orchestra for the weekend services and she and I stay and listen to the message together on Saturday night. The rest of the family attends the service on Sunday.

Sunday we have an invitation for Easter lunch. Although we have plans, my husband (at my request) did get us a ham for us, which I will bake soon, since I want to have some leftovers to freeze and enjoy.

The day ends up to be a blessing as several couples pray for one another, for various needs and upcoming trips. The kids play joyously well, smoothly, having fun with one another, sad to have the day end, but at 8pm it is time to come home.

And so another Easter passes, and another year bursts with hope and promise ahead. Despite the unknown difficulties ahead, the bends in the road, the pains and joys that await, one thing will not change: that the tomb was empty and Jesus is alive!


685. Tulips blooming on Sunday morning

686. Sunday lunch with friends

687. prayer among believers

688. Elijah better from his asthma flare-up on Saturday.

689. Phone and internet service is finally restored!

690. Playing by the river, throwing stones, watching a waterfall, and the waters rush upstream. (Wish I had taken my camera!)

691. Wonderful Good Friday and Easter services.

692. Watching a play about George McDonald’s daughter, and about the plays the McDonald family would do together. Interesting!

693. Reading a book by Frederic Buechner, titled A Room Called Remember. Five more pages left.

694. Quiet Monday morning.

695. Oreo Cheesecake I baked for the family.

696. Answered prayer: I asked God to lead me to who needs a friend, who needs reaching out to? And I think He answered. One e-mail recently, one a few weeks ago–I think those are my answers.

697. Reading aloud (Odysseus and the Cyclops) to the youngest last week.

698. A lighter week ahead this week. (Should I have planned to leave town?) Is it too late? 🙂 LOL

699. An early spring.