Is pain essential?

The dark and light contrasting pattern on my mom's handmade Log Cabin Quilt are meant to be an analogy to the darker, harsher, wintry days of life, and the brighter, joyful, summery days of life.

The dark and light contrasting pattern on my mom’s handmade Log Cabin Crazy Quilt are meant to be an analogy to the darker, harsher, wintry days of life, and the brighter, joyful, summery days of life.

Perhaps pain is more essential than pleasure. I know for me, it brings me to my knees. I draw closer to the throne of truth and grace and LOVE when I am in pain and in grief.

It’s not that joy pulls me away from Him. I have been through enough pain to be thankful when something lovely and happy occurs. However, pain has  brought me closer to God. I’ve experienced his mercy because I’ve needed it. I’ve experienced his grace because I’ve needed it. I’ve experienced his comfort because I’ve needed it.

We tend to think that pleasure should be the norm, not pain, in this life on earth.

But it seems to me that life is just the opposite—pain is the norm. Pleasure is a gift, a sweet temporary gift that comes in between and amongst the pain, here and there, like a surprise flower blooming or like the first burst of sun at dawn. Pleasure accents our life, propels us press on.

This pain we have– it’s not because God doesn’t love us. It’s because he does. He loves us too much NOT to allow it and to let us know Him.


Sharing with The Wellspring and Imperfect Prose