Today we will briefly examine the third of Aristotle’s “artistic proofs”: logos.
Logos is an appeal to logic, or the ability to connect with the audience or reader with reason or logic. The Greek root “logo” or “log” means “word”, and the word “logical” is derived from this Greek root.
As a communicator, you also need to connect to your audience through reason or logic. This is accomplished by using facts, statistics, historical examples, quoting authorities on a certain topic, and by using logical argumentation.
When using logos, include the following:
· A clear thesis
· Logical arguments
· Statistics or facts to support your claims
· Structured, well-organized writing, whether an essay or speech
· Good analysis
We have now covered all three of the artistic proofs: ethos, pathos, and logos. In much of our communication, we are utilizing a combination of all three; however, occasions exist when you may wish to emphasize one of these over another. It is helpful to be intentional and deliberate about these techniques, especially if your intention is to persuade your audience.
Question for you: Have you added any of these elements intentionally into your writing? What was the result? Do you tend to use any of these more than others?