


A Shift With Rain

A long wind brushes its fingers through the trees in a stretched whisper. On occasion, it moves angrily, and other times, it shakes and howls at the windowpanes. The long whispers flutter sweetly, softly, welcoming the listener into the conversation.

Not yet as angry as a winter wind, the breezes foretell of the harsher season. When leaves fall, with branches bare, winds whip and strike, no longer a mild wisp of noise. Branches rub against branches, no soft leaves to muzzle against the north wind. Abrasive and unyielding.

Waters erupt from the sky, drenching and soaking the earth. The river nearby reached its crest; neighbors piled sandbags in anticipation of a potential flood.

The rains have fallen; now the days open and close a bit cooler. The rains herald the upcoming passage; a signpost of seasons.

These heavy rains of recent days have softened the earth, and the roots settle in deeper, in anticipation of dark nights ahead. The winds, still gentle, transition into a foreshadowing of rolling thunder. Fear and uncertainty. Standing alone, bracing against bitterness. Do the trees feel the shift? Those days approach.

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rainy window


Photo credits: Unsplash

Sharing with Five Minute Friday (prompt: Rain)
