The feeling of being left out hit me in the pit of my stomach; once again, I felt rejected.
I was blaming others for their rejection of me, but there was a deeper issue. I remember the day a friend named it in me, asking me why it seemed I wanted to run from her.
I was taken aback initially, but that day I realized how my insecurities and self-image drove my response to others. Deep inside I felt unworthy, unlovable, and this resulted in me distancing myself from others. Though I genuinely wanted close relationships, I was inadvertently pushing others away through my attitude.
Maybe you’ve felt this way, too? The enemy stands ready to take thoughts like these and twist them so that it blinds us to the love and care that is around us, that others do want to give but are shut out by us. Furthermore, these lies also blind to the truth of God’s love. He gets shut out, too.
Here is what I know to be true: rejection happens to us all, and the enemy will use these past hurts and dysfunctions to blind us to reality.
So, what can be done? Three things specifically helped me…
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