
About me…

I was born across the sea

And found a life so True

As the way was shown to me

As You led me straight to You.

I’m a child saved by grace

It’s nothing I deserve

And it’s astounding, amazing

To me.

I humbly accept this gift of grace

Which I cling to

Daily, hourly, minute by minute.

My heart’s desire is to…

Walk closer

Draw nearer

Know deeper

The Source of Grace

The Source of Love.

This blog is about that journey

Of drawing closer

To Grace

To Love

To God.

And more stuff about me:

I love writing, reading, creating, drawing, music, taking pictures, thinking, dreaming

Drinking tea (coffee works well, too)

Laughing with friends

Seeing good movies

Really good Bible studies

Not particularly cooking — but eating good food

You may catch a hint of southern drawl

though I live in the midwest

or no accent at all

and my hope is to get to where

we can talk real

over hot tea in the winter


sweet southern tea in the summer

I’m constantly learning

About God, faith, relationships, family, home, health

Mostly I write about faith

I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mother of 3, aunt, cousin, friend

But before any of these existed–

I was first a daughter of the Most High God.


So glad you’re here!   Thanks for visiting, and please say hello!