
Between Heaven and Earth

Too much emptiness facing me, like an abyss. I’m staring into a black hole. It aches, friend. I’m not quite sure what to do, sometimes. I wish I could wrap back up the years and re-do so many things. It’s not that I don’t take joy in watching my kids grow and helping...

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Les Miserables (Take Three)

    I went to see Les Mis as it recently came through my city... Years ago, I saw the musical Les Miserables when it was showing in London. I was captivated by the beautiful music and moved by the incredible story.  I was on a study abroad semester in London...

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‘What Will a Life Magnify?’

Did Jesus practice eucharisteo* as he walked to Calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? Did he continue to give thanks as he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all he could...

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Routine is anything but…

  I see it around me: a cycle, a system, an organized plan. The seasons are predictable; there are four of them where I live, and they come and go on schedule, according to the calendar. Just recently was the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, and as if on...

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Scar on the Cheek: Judas’ Betrayal (poem)

As we are in the midst of another season of Lent, and approaching Easter, I am reposting this poem I wrote a few years ago. The poem is about Judas' betrayal. This betrayal led to the guards finding Jesus, arresting him, and eventually his death. If it wasn't Judas,...

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No “Wonder”…

  Tired, tired, everyone is tired. It almost sounds cliché. How can we all be so tired?  We are tired partly because everyone is busy, overstretched beyond our limits. We are tired because of the perception or idea that "being busy" is equivalent to being...

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Hope around the Hedges (Lenten Reflection)   My life is not a neatly planted hedge of planned events; it is, rather, a messy string of occurrences which the Lord is using to graciously teach me what He wants me to know. Anything that has happened...

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Striped (poem)

  Striped   I choke on dust, wreckage of world, and my crushed bones of existence. Painful agonies— what breathing soul is exempt from knowing? While the world continues doubling and halving its joys and sorrows, what of souls doubled over? Lines mark days—...

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A Seder Dinner

      A few years ago, I felt inspired to have my own Seder Dinner. I read some materials and planned a whole meal, and invited one other family to join in the dinner. I even bought a special Seder plate for the occasion and goblet for the occasion...

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