Thankful (poem)
What are you thankful for today? Thanksgiving is a day set aside to pause, reflect, and to give thanks to the giver of all good gifts. * for the calm within a swirling storm for abiding peace amidst wars within and without for the everpresent source of strength when I...
Covert (poem)
Covert Daytime slips eventide glows purple and gold The poet writes with a covert pen Her words cloaked meanings hidden camouflaged in twilight Verses swathed in mystery in quiet unknown webspace © prasanta 11/22/17 *
The Great Divorce (quotes)
One of my favorite books is The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. I remember his descriptions of heaven in this book were something new and interesting to me. The entire story was imaginative and descriptive and introduced new thoughts about heaven, hell, reality, color,...
Inkblood and Letters (poem)
Like silver dew Settling at dawn Open palms Catch quivering songs Find inkblood and letters In hands drinking the world Find them on pages Of a warm life Find them in eyes And cracked souls Inkblood and letters Offer streams...
Guest Post at Breathe Conference Blog
Have you attended a writer's conference? It is something I have wanted to do for several years. Finally, I gathered the gumption and funds to attend. I made a decision to pour some resources, time, and effort into my writing, and I'm so glad I did. Last month, I...
An Old Photograph
Below is a piece of flash fiction I wrote a few years ago. I consider myself a creative nonfiction/memoir/poetry writer, but back in 2011 and 2012, I participated in a flash fiction writing prompt a few times. We were given a photo as a prompt and then charged with...
Poetry (quote by Mary Oliver)
West Wind #2 You are young. So you know everything. You leap into the boat and begin rowing. But listen to me. Without fanfare, without embarrassment, without any doubt, I talk directly to your soul. Listen to me. Lift the oars from the water,...
“It was November…”
“November--with uncanny witchery in its changed trees. With murky red sunsets flaming in smoky crimson behind the westering hills. With dear days when the austere woods were beautiful and gracious in a dignified serenity of folded hands and closed eyes--days full of a...
The Power of Waves
“He won't be with us much longer, " she says. I haven't seen her in a few years. I am headed to a writer's retreat, which she was also planning to attend. At the last minute, she calls to tell me she is unable to attend. *** I head north on the interstate,...
Writing Memoir
“It is clear we must embrace struggle. Every living thing conforms to it. Everything in nature grows and struggles in its own way, establishing its own identity, insisting on it at all cost, against all resistance. We can be sure of very little, but the need to court...
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