
In April (poem)

In April surprised by any old thing that should uproot itself and subvert the winter awakening to newness from sleep surprised each morning I, too, awake  words-- thrown away by winds souls-- slaughtered  by hatchets see—    but don’t see my heart left me— some night,...

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Southern Spring

The trees are already dressed in early spring shades of green. The skies are a clear, bright blue, the sun is shining golden. The weather is perfect; warm but not too warm, with the brush of gentle breezes. Spring is awake and alive in mid-April in the deep...

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Easter Sunday (poems and songs)

Easter Sunday is a day of celebration and joy. We celebrate the gift of life, Jesus' resurrection, and the defeat of death!     A Better Resurrection by Christina Rosetti I have no wit, no words, no tears;...

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Holy Week (Good Friday Poems)

Brier (Good Friday) By E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) Because, dear Christ, your tender, wounded arm Bends back the brier that edges life’s long way, That no hurt comes to heart, to soul no harm, I do not feel the thorns so much to-day. Because I never knew your...

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“What Will a Life Magnify?”

Every Easter, I like to repost this blog post that I first wrote in 2011. Hope you enjoy it. Did Jesus practice eucharisteo as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed...

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Scar on the Cheek: Judas’ Betrayal (poem)

Scar on the Cheek The kiss on the cheek planted swift, turns to thorny scratch, burns long and thin, drips red on black dirt. Fragile petals live a breath away, a thin vein from death. Roses keep distant, far from drawn swords ready to impale petal-skin. Repent and...

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Holy Week (Poems)

This Bread I Break By Dylan Thomas This bread I break was once the oat, This wine upon a foreign tree ‘Plunged in its fruit; Man in the day or wind at night Laid the crops low, broke the grape’s joy. Once in this wine the summer blood Knocked in the flesh that decked...

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Broken Bowls

The Japanese have a method of repairing cracked ceramics or pottery by filling in the broken areas with gold, silver, or platinum in a process called "kintsugi". Here is what I found online about kintsugi: "The philosophy behind the technique is to recognize the...

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Drive to Nowhere

Sometimes, I'm just not ready to walk in the door of my house after my weekly Bible study. Sometimes, I need some time to think before walking in and facing whatever it is waiting for me, which usually includes a pile of dirty dishes. I don't want to see that, nor am...

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A Poem for Lent

    Lachrimae Amantis By Geoffrey Hill What is there in my heart that you should sue so fiercely for its love? What kind of care brings you as though a stranger to my door through the long night and in the icy dew seeking the heart that will not harbor you,...

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