
Ask Questions

With communication, we often talk about specific techniques, such as many of those discussed here for the past month in this series. But, there is a critical component of communication that is vital to being a good communicator, and that is "asking questions". One...

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The Golden Circle

Perhaps you have heard of Simon Sinek and a Ted Talk he did about persuasion and something called the Golden Circle. His purpose was to exhort businesses to consider the core of why customers and employees buy into a company. So what is this "Golden Circle"?...

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How to Disagree

Nowadays with the internet and social media, thousands of bloggers, and Facebook posts and comments, people everywhere can join in a conversation like never before.  Usually in writing (or in conversation), but often in writing, people who respond to a post often...

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The Handshake

A consistent greeting in the American culture is the handshake. Other countries greet with a bow, a hug, a kiss on the cheek, etc. Each culture has its own unique form of greeting. But in the business culture, a handshake is the acceptable norm. Did you know you are...

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Don’t Step on My Toes….

On Day 22 of this communication series, we will discuss stepping on others' toes. Literally. Well... almost. We will talk about maintaining an appropriate personal distance. Did you know that there is an entire field of study dedicated to studying this? It's called...

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Mind the Three “P’s”…

Have you heard that old expression, "mind your p's and q's"? The actual origin of why we say "p's and q's" is interesting to look up, and there are several possible theories. In general, we understand that expression to mean "be on your best behavior" or "mind your...

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The Feedback Sandwich

How often do you find yourself in a position requiring you to provide feedback to someone else, either for a writing project, or a speaking assignment? If you are a teacher, coach, mentor, or editor, you probably do this regularly. Whether this is a regular...

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Add Humor (Day 19)

"Knock, Knock." "Who's there?" It's me! Here again to talk about adding some HUMOR into your communication! Do you know that person who always seems to have a clever quip or can remember funny stories and jokes? How easy is it for you to add humor into your...

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S.T.E.P. – “Prove” (Day 18)

Today, we will cover the final stage of the process of called "S.T.E.P.", a method of persuading and organizing your talk or essay, and is explained in Dr. Jeff Myers book called "Secretes of Great Communicators. Two days ago, I covered the first two parts of this...

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S.T.E.P.- “Exemplify” – Day 17

We are in the middle of a mini-series on communication tips, specifically a process called "S.T.E.P."  S.T.E.P stands for "State, Translate, Exemplify, Prove", and is explained in the book Secrets of Great Communicators by Dr. Jeff Myers, a process that Dr. Myers...

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