
Monday’s List #111-135

Joining the community of thanksgiving: Continuing on in giving thanks, #111-#135: 111. a lone bluebell on a field of green 112. trees moving in the wind, casting long shadows in a deep ravine 113. an empty bowl of soup 114. a big bowl of fruit 115. lovely comments on...

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I’ll Go the Distance

 Ready to "fingerpaint with words"? Joining today with Gypsy Mama's "Five Minute Friday" writing prompt.Write for 5 minutes, unedited, and then stop. Today's topic is "Distance". GO I'd go the distance with you, for you. I'll vouch for you. I'll stand up for you. I'll...

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Consider it Joy

Have you ever seen a top without a bottom? Have you ever seen a left without a right? Can there be a beginning without an end? Can there be good without the bad? How else would we know it was good? Pondering the dichotomies above helped me better understand some of...

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Message of the Hyacinth, Part Two

I felt dense. On Monday I wrote about how a tiny little hyacinth plant filled the room with its sweet perfume. One commenter noted, innocuously enough, that the post reminded her of the passage from John 12, where the woman breaks open her jar of expensive perfume and...

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Bareback Riding

Running free. I pulled in the muddy driveway and stopped at the edge of the grass. The children tumbled out, racing toward the knotty wire fence, gazing at the horses. A sleepy cat stirred from the corner of the house. Summer heat bore through my jeans. He sauntered...

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Message of the Hyacinth, Part One

  During a quick stop at the grocery store last week, I did something I do not usually do. I browsed the florist's section. I usually do not buy flowers from the grocery store because I'm too cheap I'd rather cut some flowers from my own yard--not that I have a...

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If You Met Me

I'm trying something new today and linking up with Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday writing prompt. Here's how it works: she gives a writing prompt, and then you write for 5 minutes straight, no editing. Sounds fun, so I'm going to try it out. Today the prompt...

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“What Will a Life Magnify?”

"What Will a Life Magnify?" Did Jesus practice eucharisteo as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all he could see...

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The Storm on Sunday

Is that snow? At first glance I thought-- snow?? But no, it was a mess of icy hail we walked through when leaving church on Sunday morning. The hailstorm that dropped from the sky left a blanket of white icy beads all over the ground, coating everything.  I've never...

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A Long Walk

It must have been a long walk. It started with hot, salty tears, poured out, drenching the ground, feeling forsaken by all in the world, but especially by God himself. Must have been a long walk, the longest walk a human could know, the walk from Gethsemane to...

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