The Thaw

The Thaw   Under the sun, The snow drips In a rhythmic beat And swirls down the street In a flowing stream Moving, melding, meshing Until many rivers meet And swell in gushing unison Eventually reaching the big deep Many waters, becoming one… When winter...

One Moment in Time

Even  just the few pages I have read of Ann Voskamp’s writings have drawn me deeper into Truth. I just found her blog, read the latest few entries, and have only read chapter one of One Thousand Gifts. Her words, beautiful, raw– yet also polished with the...

He Came as a Child

I love the pencil scrawls of a young child. The words are out of proportion, misspelled, and the sentences are incomplete and full of grammar mistakes. But, I love to read and see these early attempts at writing. It is a glimpse into the thoughts of that young child....

Don’t Add to the Noise!

Lately I’ve been following Beth Moore’s blog fairly regularly (see sidebar for a link to her blog). Today I read her blog and wanted to share a “commission” she recently wrote. Apparently Beth just had an event in Chicago, and shared a...

A Treasure, You

When I looked in the mirror at myself, my reflections were blurred by my own perceptions, biases and beliefs. When I looked at myself in others’ mirrors, I saw a different reflection, peppered with their ideas, opinions and beliefs. When I looked at myself...

In The End

I learned something new recently, from the Beth Moore study I’m in currently, which is the latest version of her study called “Breaking Free”.  All of the material and thoughts below are from her Bible study– all of the credit goes to Lifeway...

Thanksgiving and The Beach

I haven’t posted in a while. All of you reading this regularly (how many of you are there?a handful?? lol) know that. Thanks for hanging in there with me. There are reasons. I won’t go into all of them at this moment. Just returned from a Thanksgiving trip...