Removing the Grit

He comes in with tools of various kinds. The tools don’t look like the usual types, but they do a similar sort of work as a carpenter or sculptor. Work begins on the project. Parts are cut off, sections are chiseled. Gradually, a form begins to take shape. If...

Of Storms and #156-172

Keeping a record of thankfulness is a chronicle of more than just thank-you’s. It’s a record of days and memories. It’s a remembrance of deep gratitude to a God who gives me one more day to enjoy His mercy and grace. I can’t believe how much...

Consider it Joy

Have you ever seen a top without a bottom? Have you ever seen a left without a right? Can there be a beginning without an end? Can there be good without the bad? How else would we know it was good? Pondering the dichotomies above helped me better understand some of...

“What Will a Life Magnify?”

“What Will a Life Magnify?” Did Jesus practice eucharisteo as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all...

A Long Walk

It must have been a long walk. It started with hot, salty tears, poured out, drenching the ground, feeling forsaken by all in the world, but especially by God himself. Must have been a long walk, the longest walk a human could know, the walk from Gethsemane to...