That is today’s Five Minute Writing Prompt at Lisa-Jo’s website. I love these Five Minute Prompts. (The rules are– write for 5 minutes straight, no editing). I hope you’ll head over to her site to read other five minute posts.
I’m not sure why I’m where I am, and why I was born where I was, but God has placed me where He wanted me to be, and I am grateful. I am grateful for His over-arching plan for my life, and that He is in charge of it, and not me, since I’d make a mess if I were in charge of it, and it wouldn’t be very pretty.
I’m grateful for words, for bloggers, for blogging, for THE WORD, and how I’ve read incredible blogs out there with amazing words that point straight to Him.
I’m grateful for tears, for they have shown me the value of laughter. I’m grateful for death, for it has shown me life. I’m grateful for difficulties, for they have shown me how blessed I am. I’m grateful for sorrow, for it brings me closer to joy.
I’m grateful that God can use the foolish and small things of this world… like me. Today, just today, I was feeling like a lost child, a foolish girl, who wouldn’t know left from right were it not for the Good Shepherd leading me. I’m grateful that God can take my weaknesses and turn them into strengths.
I’m grateful for a God who never gives up, loves me like no one else, and knows me better than anyone. He is my rock that I lean upon. I’m grateful to God, because without Him, I don’t know what or where or who I’d be…a floundering soul in a mess. I’m still a mess- but with God– my mess has hope! 🙂 LOL!
This is beautiful! Greatful for being born where God wanted you to be! The family he chose and the country too!
We serve an amazing God and He isn’t through with any of us yet!
Oh, a work in progress I am– and I am constantly reminded of it! But thankfully, He is patient and isn’t through with us– Amen to that!
i can appreciate the feeling of bumbling around…my lfe the last couple years seems to be just that since leaving ministry and figuring out what is next…but he has us in the right places for sure…
Your response to the “bumbling” and uncertainty of the future is full of hope and assurance of God’s will and direction for you… such a good place to be! The things He has in store are unimaginable.
I love your list of contrasts, so much in life can point us to gratitude. I too have been amazed how many godly women are writing inspiring truths on their blogs. Truly something to be grateful for!
Isn’t it wonderful how the internet can be used to spread truth and joy? Nice to find you and read your inspiring words as well! 😉
What beautiful words to wake up and drink in this morning! Thank you, Anna!
Thank you for that encouragement, friend, I appreciate that! 🙂
I love the thought of being thankful for being born where He wanted. Interesting and freeing if you think of it for a while. From birth to death — all part of His “over-arching” plan.
This post just blessed my heart this morning.
Pamela… it isn’t always easy to know why or understand… but in the end, I know He is sovereign and has us each in His hands and He’s got a plan, and “the plan” for our lives. I like how you put it– interesting and freeing. It is indeed both. Thank you for commenting and reading. I just popped over to your blog and was blessed in return; beautiful place on the web!
Such lovely writing. I so enjoy reading your posts. This paragraph- I’m grateful for tears, for they have shown me the value of laughter. I’m grateful for death, for it has shown me life. I’m grateful for difficulties, for they have shown me how blessed I am. I’m grateful for sorrow, for it brings me closer to joy-just wonderful! It’s something that could be written on a plague or framed and hung up. I would buy it 🙂
A lovely post….with beautiful thoughts of gratitude.
I am so going to have to do this sometime…it seems so fun and freeing. This got me:
I’m grateful for tears, for they have shown me the value of laughter. I’m grateful for death, for it has shown me life. I’m grateful for difficulties, for they have shown me how blessed I am. I’m grateful for sorrow, for it brings me closer to joy.
Grateful with you, Anna. I also feel so often like a lost, foolish child, and so grateful for His strength in my weakness.