The Five Minute Friday word prompt: Connected

      1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
      2. Link back here and invite others to join in.

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on Connected.


I call because too many days alone have left me wanting the company and conversation. I write a few lines on the card so that she knows I still remember and value her friendship.

I plug in the computer, log in, tune in online, to share stories and thoughts, tweet and post status updates and find myself communicating in a way I’d never thought possible just a few years ago. I read what others are saying and doing, friends and strangers… facebook friends (most of whom I know at some level) and blogging friends (most of whom I’ve never met)– but whose storie and hearts shine through words I feel a kindred connection.

If the cable lines should fail and the invisible wireless strands should go haywire, I’d lose some feeling of connectedness that I’ve become used to.

But even those can’t replace the time spent with real people, the sharing of a laugh over coffee, the nuances and tones of conversation that can’t be translated across media miles. That takes more effort, more time… but this is what my soul needs… this kind of connectedness.

Some people live as islands their whole lives, connected in their own web of interpersonal thoughts and singular lives.

But others… move beyond that. Others have learned to live and love— not only themselves, but the people around them and are engaged in knowing and being known… and being aware of what is important. Jesus knew. And he wants to be known. The example of knowing. The example of true connectedness.

Was there ever a man so connected to the rest of humanity, than him? No one knows me better than him. No one is better connected. And the closer I get to him, the more connected I am. The closer my friends are with him, truly close to him, the closer my friends and I are– as we can share something at such a deep level that can’t be explained unless you’ve been there yourself.

I like being connected this way.

Jesus connects the dots for me in my life... makes sense of things that make absolutely no sense at all. He puts it all together and in the end I’ll see the bigger picture.

So glad to be connected with Jesus, and with friends like you. And I honestly mean that.



It’s Friday — and I often like to participate in the Five Minute Friday writing prompt offered here, at The Gypsy Mama. I encourage you to read her beautiful thoughts on other days of the week, too. Stay connected with others, friends, online and in real life. We aren’t meant to be alone.