I pray for her, for him, for them.

Image Source For the story behind this work of art, please see:

Praying Hands by Albrecht Durer   
(Google Images)

I beg God, plead for mercy for them, for their hearts to be open to truth and for them to know and experience the joy of knowing the Savior, the one who heals and helps and restores and redeems, the Best Friend, the One who Loves unconditionally, unlike anyone else on earth.

I pray to the point of tears… and it is God who moves me. The Lord is the source of the compassion.

I pray and continue to pray for them to know Him.

They do not understand– for the world does not understand. Consider these astounding words:

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.

Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him just as He is. ”

I John 3: 1-2

We are called children of God. Not enemies of God. Not far-removed relatives. Not acquaintances. But children… whom the Father loves. “Such we are.”  Before we were sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends, wives, husbands, mothers, fathers… we were children of God. We ARE children of God.

Our main identity is as His child. Oh, we are loved, so loved. 

As a Father, He reaches out to us, pursues us. As His child, we long for others to know this kind of love.

We are not yet what we shall be. We are works-in-progress, in preparation for eternity, where we shall be like Him.  We have no need to worry about life after death and attaining some sort of higher state of being — the Bible says it will automatically happen. Searching for perfection, or nirvana? It is done. There is nothing we must attain, no way to earn it, no amount of work or sacrifice needed to make it happen. We are given the assurance and promise it will be so. We have no worry or concern whether it will happen or not– we are given the knowledge and the promise that IT WILL.

Absolutely mind-blowing, isn’t it, that we are children of God, that we are loved so much, that we are not yet who we are supposed to be, that one day we shall be like Him and see Him?

Knowing who I am solves the identity crisis. Knowing my future solves the fear of the unknown. Answers to life’s problems? Found here, in God’s word.

The world needs to know this, too. God’s love is open and available for all.

I continue to pray for those whom my heart is led to pray, for those who are hungry for the truth, empty and waiting to be filled.

“Dear Jesus, please make yourself known to my loved ones.”


Sharing with Emily at Imperfect Prose