How can feeling inadequate be a blessing?

photo credit: my daughter

photo credit: my daughter

Feeling inadequate reminds us that we are, in fact, incapable to live life on our own, and to trust God in everything. We aren’t created to be in charge; God is the one in charge. We aren’t created to hold the world on our shoulders; God does that.

Relying on our own strength isn’t going to get us far before landing flat on our faces.  Trust me. I’ve been there. I bet you have, too. We could swap stories.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve felt inadequate to do something, or when a situation felt way beyond my capacity to handle. When I relinquish control and allow God to determine my steps, give me strength when I feel weak, to hold me up when I can’t, that is when the impossible becomes possible.

Crying in the closet because of difficulties that seem insurmountable? There’s a hope and blessing to be found in that. It’s a moment of succumbing to the realization that we are human and our capacity is limited. We can’t handle the circumstances surrounding us on our own. Yet in the midst of life’s ever-changing tumbling roads, God remains faithful and constant; He remains good and worthy of praise.

And… our silent cries are transformed into songs of praise.


Sharing with Laura at Playdates with God, Jen at Finding Heaven, Jennifer at #TellHisStory and Emily at Imperfect Prose