photo credit: my daughter

photo credit: my daughter


He is El Roi, the God who sees. He sees you, He sees me, and that is something I need to know. I need to know that. I need to know that God is writing my story… and He is writing yours.

Sometimes, actually often, I can’t see the end or even know where all of this is going. Sometimes, it feels depressing to be caught in a rut. Sometimes, it is tempting to quit. Sometimes, life is too much. Sometimes, the right thing seems like the wrong thing.

But the thing is, He is here.

And we get to decide. I get to decide. The way out of the rut is to take the focus off myself and do something for something else. Keep pressing on.

In every life, there is Someone who cares. Each moment, each detail, is Seen. Each gap, each chasm, is Crossed. Each longing is Fulfilled. Each pain is Healed. God is the Master of the Opposites. Where would be the Hope, without God? That, in itself, is Enough.