Hi friends!
Thanks for your patience while this site was transferred to a new domain name. I’ve been writing and will post the latest links and articles below. The biggest news is that I’ve joined The Mudroom as a regular Contributor! I had a couple of guest posts in the past few years, and this is one of my favorite places. It’s such a joy to be serving readers there. Here are some recent articles:
Five Indian American Stories We Urgently Need:
I actually wrote this before the Atlanta Massacre on March 16, 2021, urging us to read stories of Asian Americans, and by writers of color. I list a few titles to start, to help readers understand the plight of Indian Americans, in particular, in the U.S. The article was published on March 29, at The Curator Magazine.
A Country With No Name: Living in Liminal Spaces:
In this piece, I share brief snippets of my past and what it was like growing up in the deep south, and then moving to a segregated city as an adult, and the peculiar loneliness of living in in-between places.
The Mudroom Blog: Meet Prasanta Verma:
Here’s the introductory post to The Mudroom. : ) It’s a similar bio as on this website. I’ll be writing there once a month. Hope you’ll join me there!
Filling the Pot: Learning to Wait:
My first post, about patience, up at The Mudroom. So many beautiful stories there! I hope you’ll join in. Here’s one of my recent favorites: (Un)follow Me by Nichole Woo.
Loving Your Allergic Neighbor:
I had the honor of writing a guest post for Propel Women in early January. I share about parenting a child with severe and multiple food allergies, and how we can include others who feel they are on the margins.
Restless in Spring:
I’ve continued writing regularly for the Contemplative Writer, another one of my favorite places! I share an article monthly, and each Friday, Lisa Deam (curator of the site) and I share our favorite links from around the web, called “Friday Favorites for Prayer and Writing”. Lots of great content there during the week, too, so please check that out. Here are a few my other recent posts at The Contemplative Writer:
Learning to Pray in the Dark
Pilgrimage as a Way of Life
What a Plague and a Pandemic Have in Common