Wordless Wednesday – July 25, 2018
“Everybody needs beauty...places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.” - John Muir
Friday Feature – July 20, 2018 – Coolidge Quotes
This week, I will continue on the theme from the recent July 4 Friday Feature, a naturalization ceremony held at the Coolidge Historial site and homestead, in Plymouth Notch, Vermont. While at the event and visiting the museum, I noticed a plaque on the wall with one...
Wordless Wednesday – July 18, 2018
#Wordless Wednesday Inside... And outside... #wordlesswednesday
What the Lord Sees
One of my favorite verses of all time: 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at....
A few poems published!
I'm thrilled and thankful to have a few poems published in the latest issue of Relief Journal!
Friday Feature – July 6, 2018 – Independence Day Naturalization Ceremony
Welcome to this week's This week, which encompasses a holiday in the U.S., Independence Day, I found myself in the beautiful state of Vermont. I was not there on vacation, but the time away, amongst the beauty of the hills, and far away from many everyday...
Wordless Wednesday – July 4, 2018
#countryroads #wordlesswednesday #rural #NewEngland #Vermont #historicalsites
Friday Feature June 29, 2018 – The Best Selling Toy
Welcome to the weekly Friday Feature, where I post a random topic, usually something light-hearted and fun (but I reserve the right to post a serious topic, too). Question: What is the single best-selling toy of all time? Would you say Legos? Barbie? Silly...
Wordless Wednesday – June 27, 2018
#Wordless Wednesday #photography #photos #fishing #summer #lake #reflection
Friday Feature – June 22, 2018 – National Selfie Day
I'm starting something new here on Fridays. I'm calling it the: It could be something funny and frivolous. It could be something fascinating. Or, it could be something serious and thought-provoking (I tried really hard to find a word that means "serious" that starts...
Let’s Start a Conversation
Let’s stay in touch! Sign up for quarterly-ish newsletter, where I share what I’m reading, writing, or things I find interesting and amusing.