Do You Make Resolutions?
Years ago, in college, I made a very detailed list of new year's resolutions. I was going through a discipleship program at the time, and had divided up my life in 4-5 categories (spiritual, social, etc.) and selected a theme verse and listed out my goals, or...
Justice and Mercy (quote)
"Justice is the grammar of things. Mercy is the poetry of things." ~ Frederick Buechner * *
Presence (poem)
image source Presence Like snowflakes that softly fall, so is my love for you, landing gently around you, enveloping you like a cloud, a covering of white. You will feel me, not as a coldness, as the real snow of a real winter, or like the breath of this...
Skills Learned in Debate
I love the world of speech and debate. I love the tournaments. I love seeing the students all dressed up in their professional attire and walking from room to room, presenting their different speeches. The speeches are inspiring and excellent. I love listening to...
Prayer by O. Hallesby (quotes)
I'm reading a book called Prayer, written by O. Hallesby. It's been a few years since I read a book on prayer (and I think I've only read maybe a few books ever on this topic). My daughter's team is reading and discussing this book on their mission trip in Nepal,...
Quotes from MLK, Jr.
Yesterday afternoon, I attended Milwaukee's 33rd annual Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday Celebration in the downtown performing arts center. I am not sure if the art, writing, and speech contests have been going on for that long, but the city has been celebrating...
Ski (poem)
Ski I am deliberating: to ski or not to ski Lifts ensure an effortless climb up the hill Onward glide, but careful not to overdo Venturing down may require a little improv Every turn, take slow, then accelerate Yield, glissade, scatter snow in a flurry...
A Note From a Mission Trip
Today, I am including a blog post written by my daughter, which she wrote for her missions team blog. She is on a medical missions trip in Nepal for three weeks with a group of nursing and pre-med students. Her team is blogging each day, with the students taking turns...
Ring Out, Wild Bells (by Alfred Lord Tennyson)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false,...
Snow-Fall (poem)
Snow-Fall A single snowflake Floats weightless, airy But millions of flakes falling Land heavy, bring a roof crashing down Branches bend Dip underneath heavy snow Crack and break Descend on a cold hard ground In the stillness of night, do you hear The echo piercing...
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