Appreciate {Day 9}
This past week has been a doozy. I got hit over a week ago with an upper respiratory infection and the very short version of the story is that for a week now, I have not been able to hear out of my left ear. If you were sitting next to me and began whispering in my...
Contentment {Day 8}
Some days, I just don't have it. Contentment. image source I grumble. Complain. Stomp. Frown. Cry. I was browsing through other blogs, other posts, etc., and that little ugly voice began to speak. You know the one, the one that says, "your blog isn't as interesting as...
Antibacterial Soaps: Helpful or Not? {Day 7}
It's about that time of year -- the kids are immersed back in school, the season is changing, and it's the beginning of the cold and flu season. Many of us (including me) carry a helpful little product in the car or purse, and even have one at home. When washing hands...
Tips to Allergy Proof Your Home {Day 6}
"Achoo! Achoo!" Um, that would be, sneezing. When my allergies attack, I'll repeat that "achoo" about a hundred times a day. On good allergy days (and most days are), I may only sneeze 3-4 times. I guess that's normal for me. Just ask my kids. Guess what I'm allergic...
Lessons from the Tree Maker {And Day 5 of Healthier Living}
I love trees and I love autumn. image source The autumn tree is a glorious vision, with its rich colors and striking beauty. Indeed, don't we travel for miles to enjoy the spectacular view of an autumn landscape? After a season of rich green, the autumn tree bursts...
31 Days of Healther Living: Day 4 How ‘Bout Them Apples?
Welcome to Day 4 of 31 Days of Healthier Living (click here for Day 3) (click here for Days 1 and 2) Remember that old adage, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well, just maybe... if it's something called "organic apple cider vinegar". Apple cider has been...
31 Days of Healthier Living: Day 3 Not the Kind with Bubbles!
Day 3: Not the Kind with Bubbles! (If this is your first visit here, click here to read Days 1 and 2) No, we're not talking about champagne here. Guess again. We're talking about soda, but not the kind with bubbles and the kind you drink. We're talking about...
31 Days of Healthier Living: Days 1 and 2 What’s in Your Cookie Jar?
Welcome to 31 Days of Healthier Living! I'm so glad you're here! Scroll down to read Days 1 and 2... Day 3 Not the Kind with Bubbles Day 4 How 'Bout Them Apples? Day 5 Lessons from the Tree Maker Day 6 Tips to Allergy Proof Your Home Day 7 Antibacterial Soaps: Helpful...
On Friends
Writing today on the topic of "friendship", a five minute writing prompt, hosted by Rules: write for 5 minutes, no editing. GO I love to be myself, to be real, and it is freeing to be around people that like me as I am. There is nothing like sharing...
Unseen Hopes
...But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? -- Romans 8:24 Hope is the expectation in something that is unseen. "Who hopes for what he has?" Our hopes often lie in what we do not have. Our hopes can fall into any of these categories:...
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