
The Longing Arms

The Longing Arms - - Emptiness Filled now and spilling When arms hold And hush the Long anticipated one- Sweet love requited. - Did I know How empty they were- My arms, heart- Before you? You laughed at the emptiness And swallowed it whole. - ...of the wind she is, a...

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If I Could…

Today-- linking up with Lisa-Jo for her Five Minute Writing Prompt: On Fridays around these parts we have a little tradition. We throw caution (editing, revising, and worrying) to the winds and just write. Without wondering if it’s just right or not. For five minutes...

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Truth - A firm place For stubbing toe and A soft place To lay head... Bewitched paradoxed ground with Reeds not bowed by wind. - - Submitting this for: One Shot Wednesday at ((I'm giving poetry a try. Been writing poetry for years, but only put up on...

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You Will Rise Up

I read the accounts of the resurrection from Luke and John. From the empty tomb and sadness to the joy of seeing Him face to face, alive, I try to imagine the joy and elation of those who loved Jesus and that had witnessed his death, as they saw him after his death...

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A Tender Post by Ann…

Just this today. Ann's post. I was so touched by her words... brought tears. How shields are also cages, and how women can reach out and help other women heal.  Here's some of what she says, I can't repeat it, only quote some of  it: And when you’ve been hurt, you’re...

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Little Big Trivia Question

Easter Sunday afternoon leisurely spills into evening. We eat, talk, drink coffee, eat more, talk more… and play a game, a Bible trivia game, for ages 10 and up. (Good thing we didn’t play the age 30 and up version, he he).  Seven adults, seven kids. Four kids break...

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The Moving of Stones and #136-155

I step out of the water, my long hair dripping wet. I was 13 and it was Easter Sunday night in a medium-sized church in the deep south... but it's years later now that I'm stunned by Ann's prose in her Journal the other day, where Ann writes about her daughter's...

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The Hard Love

Five Minute Friday! Here's how it works, from Lisa-Jo's {Gypsy-Mama} site: Let’s just write and not worry if it’s just right or not. Here’s how we do it: 1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing or tweaking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can...

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Our Times Around the Sun

My son is fond of saying, "Mom, I've been around the sun ten times." And last year, he had traveled "nine times".  Yes, he has. I hadn't thought of it quite that way until he had spoken it. I'm not sure how many more times we'll go 'round before he stops reminding me...

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In the Middle

In the Middle I walk in large circles in the park, this week and last. The wind blows strong and I bend my head low and stare at the grass below. The hidden world beneath my feet is stirring to the morning call of spring. Very soon black ants will bubble up from...

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