A Soul in Progress
The week past was mostly damp and dark, full with puddles, rain, sloshy, slicky, shivery... a bit glum atmospherically, with a halo of sunshine finally breaking through in the weekend. So many around here are relieved to finally escape the confines of the four walls...
Emotional Rest
It's easier to understand physical rest... but what about emotional rest? Today I'm challenged with the idea of considering emotional rest, and responding to how I do this in my own life. I can think of a few things have worked for me: 1) Singing/playing the piano or...
Not Alone
He smiles through wrinkles, his pain hiding behind the smile. He says she's in a nursing home now. And a tear slides down his cheek. He brushes the tear away. She doesn't see. He pushes the wheelchair. They move slowly up the ramp he had built for her, from the...
Those Lovely Lists
Those lists...those lovely lists... Sweet corners on the internet that are full of hope, truth, encouragement... words of life. Shedding some light in the darkness. How I need that. Don't we all need that? Our families, kids, friends, neighbors, colleagues,...
First Hike of Spring
Continuing on in sharing a multitude of thanks on Mondays... We walked through the soggy woods, thrilled with the sight of dirt, wintered grass, and wet wood chips. Muddy. Wet. Happy. The season is turning... and the evidence indicates it is so, with snow...
Nothing is too big
Linking up with Ann Voskamp on the theme of "Letting Go" at Walk with Him Wednesdays.... Just yesterday, we watch the little bird bounce through the air. The little creature flies right in front of us, bobbing up and down. His eyes get big, and he laughs, full of...
My Thankful List
Okay, it's Wednesday, so I'm two days late in posting.... But still have things on the heart to share, to give back, in the humblest of ways, to my God who gives more than I deserve. #13-#25: #13 ... that while I was yet a sinner, He still loved me #14... for mercies...
The Thaw
The Thaw Under the sun, The snow drips In a rhythmic beat And swirls down the street In a flowing stream Moving, melding, meshing Until many rivers meet And swell in gushing unison Eventually reaching the big deep Many waters, becoming one… When winter...
A New Journey
I'm starting a new journey... of a thousand thanks. A thousand thanks to a God who gives me abundantly more than I deserve, who's given me life, breath, feet that can walk, hands that can touch, ears that can listen, eyes that can see. He gives so much more than this,...
Treasure Seeking
Do you have a treasure chest? Perhaps you have an old, hand-crafted chest with a unique story attached to it. Or, perhaps your chest is homemade, decorated by you or someone you know. Or, maybe your special chest is a store-bought one, filled with jewelry or other...
Let’s Start a Conversation
Let’s stay in touch! Sign up for quarterly-ish newsletter, where I share what I’m reading, writing, or things I find interesting and amusing.