
One Moment in Time

Even  just the few pages I have read of Ann Voskamp's writings have drawn me deeper into Truth. I just found her blog, read the latest few entries, and have only read chapter one of One Thousand Gifts. Her words, beautiful, raw-- yet also polished with the sands of ...

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Broken Bread

Over the past year and a half, God's hand and revelation to me in my life has been difficult, wrenching and astonishing. I've been broken. But it's because of the brokenness that God has been growing me and drawing me closer to him. I've lived in the Psalms for over a...

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He Came as a Child

I love the pencil scrawls of a young child. The words are out of proportion, misspelled, and the sentences are incomplete and full of grammar mistakes. But, I love to read and see these early attempts at writing. It is a glimpse into the thoughts of that young child....

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No Misunderstandings

                  Here's a little poem I saw posted on someone else's blog and I really liked it, and wanted to share it with you: I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day I'd rather one would walk with me than merely...

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Losing our Imaginations?

My fourth grader told me that much of the conversation around the lunch table has to do with video games. Really?? Is that ALL that 4th grade boys can talk about?  The conversation of a fourth grader really ought to be full of  fourth grade stuff, it ought to be...

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Pizza, Wine, Soul Mate

I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new... and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea-- that the broken places in the heart...

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Don’t Add to the Noise!

Lately I've been following Beth Moore's blog fairly regularly (see sidebar for a link to her blog). Today I read her blog and wanted to share a "commission" she recently wrote. Apparently Beth just had an event in Chicago, and shared a "commission" with the ladies...

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The Skins We Live In

I cried in the doctor's office today. I just couldn't help myself. After seeing my son's face under the UV lights and hearing about the threat of the spreading depigmentation, I cried. I didn't want to, oh how I didn't want to cry. My child was there, so was the...

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The Light from Shore

Thirty-four years. Hallways, rooms, walls, and carpet. Memories made. All have laughed and wept. In the quiet house, I hear the echoes of the past. The sounds of children growing, playing, learning, discovering. A family. Living. Living the battles of life. The voices...

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