Two Winter Poems (by William Carlos Williams)
Winter Trees by William Carlos Williams All the complicated details of the attiring and the disattiring are completed! A liquid moon moves gently among the long branches. Thus having prepared their buds against a sure winter the wise trees stand sleeping in the cold....
quotes about winter and wind
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." - Albert Camus "I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and...
Saying Goodbye to a Dear Friend
Just last month, on Dec. 1, my two boys and I ate birthday cake with our neighbor, Mr. B., on the occasion of his 102nd birthday. His caretaker (a family friend of his actually) called us and said she was going to surprise him with a cake and invited us to join in. So...
Quotes about the New Year
I’m living just as the century ends. A great leaf, that God and you and I have covered with writing turns now, overhead, in strange hands. We feel the sweep of it like a wind. We see the brightness of a new page where everything yet can happen. -- Rainer Maria...
Theme for 2019 (Part Two)
A few days ago, I wrote about one area of particular focus for me in 2019, which was friendship. You can read those thoughts and that post here. I mentioned I would write about another theme for 2019; hence this is part two of that. The other area of focus that I...
Theme for 2019 (Part One)
Some people have a "word" that characterizes their focus for the upcoming year. I do not have a single word. I have never really had a single word. Maybe one day, I will. So far, I have found it difficult to narrow down to a single word, no matter how much that single...
Ring Out, Wild Bells (poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson)
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the...
Year in Review (2018)
For the first time, here is a list of writing highlights for me this past year. I am not sure if this will be an annual thing, but here it is! As I quickly and briefly look back upon the year, I see a few "firsts", which are below. Writing Conferences. This...
Verb. Adverb. Noun. Adjective. Conjunction. This word “still”. I am here still. I am walking still. I am breathing still. I am thinking still. I am living still. Still the sun shines. Still she smiles. Be still. The leaves have fallen; still hope remains. In...
Perhaps you will be asked if you will be traveling somewhere this Christmas. Perhaps you will be asked what food item you will contribute to an annual potluck. Perhaps others are expecting you to plan an event because you always plan said event. Perhaps you will be...
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