by Prasanta | Nov 15, 2014 | Bear One Another's Burdens, Community
“You will need to be on bed rest,” the doctor said. Actually, the news was better than I thought it would be. I was anticipating several months of bed rest in the hospital– so several months of bed rest at home because of complications while...
by Prasanta | Jul 11, 2014 | Bear One Another's Burdens, devotional, Friend, Friendship, Jesus, Unconditional Love
They are the ones. You know them. The ones who stand by you, stand with you. They tell you when not to give up, and when it’s time give it all up. They are the ones who love you, no matter what, and through all kinds of matters. Their gift is that unconditional...
by Prasanta | Jun 10, 2013 | Bear One Another's Burdens, Friend, Friendship, Jesus, Unconditional Love
They are the ones. You know them. The ones who stand by you, stand with you. They tell you when not to give up, and when it’s time give it all up. They are the ones who love you, no matter what, and through all kinds of matters.The ir gift is that unconditional...
by Prasanta | May 30, 2012 | Bear One Another's Burdens, Community, Friendship, Jesus
The Walk (aka Community) What is found in you is found in me and if we don’t have it, we’ll search together at the cusp of each and every bend, under every rock, behind every cloud that rains. If you lose it, I will search with you; we’ll sing hymns,...