“What Will a Life Magnify?”

Every Easter, I like to repost this blog post that I first wrote in 2011. Hope you enjoy it. Did Jesus practice eucharisteo as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed...

Broken Bowls

The Japanese have a method of repairing cracked ceramics or pottery by filling in the broken areas with gold, silver, or platinum in a process called “kintsugi”. Here is what I found online about kintsugi: “The philosophy behind the technique is to...

“What Will a Life Magnify?”

“What Will a Life Magnify?” Did Jesus practice gratitude as he walked to calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? When he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all he...

Removing the Grit

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” ~Michelangelo   He comes in with tools of various kinds. The tools don’t look like the usual types, but they do a similar sort of work as a carpenter or sculptor. Work begins on...

Lessons from the Tree Maker

I love trees and I love autumn. The autumn tree is a glorious vision, with its rich colors and striking beauty. Indeed, don’t we travel for miles to enjoy the spectacular view of an autumn landscape? After a season of rich green, the autumn tree bursts forth in...

Going Home (a poem)

Going Home Sweetness drips, roosts on the edge of the blade, and my feet aren’t hurt. Finding a multitude at any given moment, I am undone, orbiting on an imaginary hammock, swinging and creating my own breeze.  I gaze up to see the v-shaped geese, flying to the same...

The Coat-Remover

Colors emerge like hidden jewels, sparkling in the sun. The season is turning, and once again I contemplate the beauty and lesson of the deciduous Tree. Its branches are always lifted upward like arms in praise. With a dark, cold season approaching, Tree surrenders...