by Prasanta | Mar 2, 2011 | Beauty, Family, God's love, Holy Spirit, Hope, Jesus, Purpose, Quotes, Treasures
Do you have a treasure chest? Perhaps you have an old, hand-crafted chest with a unique story attached to it. Or, perhaps your chest is homemade, decorated by you or someone you know. Or, maybe your special chest is a store-bought one, filled with jewelry or other...
by Prasanta | Feb 23, 2011 | Beauty, God's love, Love, Time, Waiting
Even just the few pages I have read of Ann Voskamp’s writings have drawn me deeper into Truth. I just found her blog, read the latest few entries, and have only read chapter one of One Thousand Gifts. Her words, beautiful, raw– yet also polished with the...
by Prasanta | Oct 26, 2010 | Beauty, Change, Holy Spirit, Journey
I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new… and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea– that the broken places in...
by Prasanta | Jul 29, 2010 | Beauty, God's love, Treasures, Uncategorized
When I looked in the mirror at myself, my reflections were blurred by my own perceptions, biases and beliefs. When I looked at myself in others’ mirrors, I saw a different reflection, peppered with their ideas, opinions and beliefs. When I looked at myself...
by Prasanta | Jul 5, 2010 | Beauty, Family, Seasons, Treasures
I just returned from a “camping” trip. We stayed in a “lodge”, which is a glorified term for “Big Room with 5 bunk beds, a bathroom and a shower, but with A/C and carpeting”. So… for 3 nights in the lodge, the minivan was...
by Prasanta | Jun 28, 2010 | Beauty, Devotions, Treasures, Uncategorized
I love trees. It’s sad to me to live in a suburban house where there are only a few baby trees on the perimeter of the yard. I’m missing grand, stately trees with branches that stretch across the yard and provide ample shade, and with hundreds of leaves...