One Moment in Time

Even  just the few pages I have read of Ann Voskamp’s writings have drawn me deeper into Truth. I just found her blog, read the latest few entries, and have only read chapter one of One Thousand Gifts. Her words, beautiful, raw– yet also polished with the...

Pizza, Wine, Soul Mate

I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new… and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea– that the broken places in...

A Treasure, You

When I looked in the mirror at myself, my reflections were blurred by my own perceptions, biases and beliefs. When I looked at myself in others’ mirrors, I saw a different reflection, peppered with their ideas, opinions and beliefs. When I looked at myself...

Lessons from an Autumn Tree

I love trees. It’s sad to me to live in a suburban house where there are only a few baby trees on the perimeter of the yard. I’m missing grand, stately trees with branches that stretch across the yard and provide ample shade, and with hundreds of leaves...