Snow-Fall (poem)

Snow-Fall (poem)

In a matter of moments, the landscape can change. In a matter of moments, a life can change. *** Snow-Fall * A single snowflake floats weightless Millions of flakes falling, land heavy Bring a roof crashing down * Branches bend, dip underneath Weight of snow, crack...

Solstice Lament (Poem)

Solstice Lament   A leaf, flower, blue egg blossom in brief— short season of thaw before heads scurry in holes. For now, irony— gaining inches of darkness while days shimmer in verdurous splendor, efflorescent interval. Light soon dissolves— night spreads...

Living in Pandemic Time

We’ve heard of kairos time and chronos time. Maybe, tongue in cheek, now we have “pandemic time”. Indeed, how do we define time during a pandemic? There is the slow, thick movement of monotonous days at home during quarantines. Simultaneously, there is the sense of...

Porch Swing in September

Porch Swing in September by Ted Kooser The porch swing hangs fixed in a morning sun that bleaches its gray slats, its flowered cushion whose flowers have faded, like those of summer, and a small brown spider has hung out her web on a line between porch post and chain...

A Spring Walk

A couple of weeks ago, I took a walk in a park. A little path wound through the park. This field was a gorgeous sight dotted in yellow. A few surprises just on the edge of the park trail included a sighting of mayapple. The big surprise was to see the quantity of...