Seeking Peace

        Summer days are full of activity. Neighbors are out of their homes, walking their dogs, tending to their yards, bringing home groceries. It is late afternoon, the windows are open, the breeze is blowing and birds are chirping. A cicada out...

Hope around the Hedges (Lenten Reflection)

  My life is not a neatly planted hedge of planned events; it is, rather, a messy string of occurrences which the Lord is using to graciously teach me what He wants me to know. Anything that has happened out of my control is still in the Lord’s hands and in His...

He is Here

The spirit hovered over the waters. Before it all began, His breath was here, blowing dreams into being. Mighty oaks, redwoods, the earth’s crater-bowls of oceans, large blocks of land, the unending sky… all were here in the beginning. He made it so. Creation still...