by Prasanta | Oct 1, 2018 | Holy Spirit, surrender
The wind whispers in the leaves, “Change is coming, can you hear it?” Autumn breezes softly blow and colors subtly change. The wind scatters the few fallen leaves like my thoughts. That is when I remember the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, a gentle...
by Prasanta | Jun 17, 2018 | God's love, Holy Spirit, Poetry, Resurrection, Soul Work
Flammable (poem) Approaching flames warm hands and wake the mind, sparks sear the heart, ignite fiber of truth— a thread of hunger burns… Read the rest of my poem at Altarwork! *© prasanta 2012 Like dead bones coming alive… we also, dead in our sins...
by Prasanta | Aug 6, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, Holy Spirit, Prayer
It’s the place we come back to: the place we started. It’s the first step to any dream: taking a step, however small it might be. Famous people often refer back to this place, where they first started; where they began, whether a politician or movie star...
by Prasanta | Jul 16, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, Holy Spirit, peace, Prayer, Rest, Stillness
Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...
by Prasanta | Nov 8, 2012 | Five Minute Friday, Holy Spirit, peace, Prayer, Rest, Stillness
Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...
by Prasanta | Sep 17, 2012 | Holy Spirit, Seasons
The wind whispers in the leaves, “change is coming, can you hear it?” Autumn breezes softly blow and colors subtly change. The wind scatters the few fallen leaves like my thoughts. That is when I remember the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, a gentle...
by Prasanta | Mar 2, 2011 | Beauty, Family, God's love, Holy Spirit, Hope, Jesus, Purpose, Quotes, Treasures
Do you have a treasure chest? Perhaps you have an old, hand-crafted chest with a unique story attached to it. Or, perhaps your chest is homemade, decorated by you or someone you know. Or, maybe your special chest is a store-bought one, filled with jewelry or other...
by Prasanta | Nov 17, 2010 | Freedom, God's love, Holy Spirit, Journey, Kindness, Love, Path, Poetry, Quotes
Here’s a little poem I saw posted on someone else’s blog and I really liked it, and wanted to share it with you: I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day I’d rather one would...
by Prasanta | Oct 26, 2010 | Beauty, Change, Holy Spirit, Journey
I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new… and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea– that the broken places in...
by Prasanta | May 14, 2010 | Christianity, God's love, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love, the cross, Treasures, Uncategorized
I know that I am righteous before him, that my sins are cleansed and I am redeemed through Christ’s blood. Because of him I have boldness to come before God, to bow at His feet at His throne, His golden bejeweled throne. I imagine what it must look like, and I imagine...