A Thanksgiving Memory

Gently the dark comes down over the wild, fair places, The whispering glens in the hills, the open, starry spaces; Rich with the gifts of the night, sated with questing and dreaming, We turn to the dearest of the paths where the star of the homelight is gleaming....

Poetry by William Wordsworth

When I was in college, I spent a semester in London and had the wonderful opportunity to visit the beautiful Lake District area one weekend. Five of us traveled there, stayed in a charming bed and breakfast with a gorgeous view of sheep dotting the hillsides...

Southern Spring

The trees are already dressed in early spring shades of green. The skies are a clear, bright blue, the sun is shining golden. The weather is perfect; warm but not too warm, with the brush of gentle breezes. Spring is awake and alive in mid-April in the deep...

Road Trip, Part One: Toronto, Canada*

What do Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, the Empire State Building, the Blue Ridge Parkway and Alabama blueberries have in common? They are all part of a long vacation away from home, connected by the highways we are traveling this July. We begin our driving journey on...

In Memory of a Loss

A dark shadow consumes all in its wake It cannot give what it doesn’t have Nothing gives nothing blackness gives no light Hate, a wrangled tree with the fruit of violence, cannot give sweet fruit of kindness, grace A shadow drapes over the innocent and aware a nation...