by Prasanta | Apr 26, 2018 | peace, Perspective, Poetry, Quotes, Rest, scripture, Spring, Time
I write these words on a day in late April, the half-gray sky with muted sunshine. The grass is a mild shade of green and the snow has melted, though mini icebergs remain where plows stacked the snow into piles. April is a season of change; a transition from one...
by Prasanta | Jul 16, 2014 | Five Minute Friday, Holy Spirit, peace, Prayer, Rest, Stillness
Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...
by Prasanta | Nov 8, 2012 | Five Minute Friday, Holy Spirit, peace, Prayer, Rest, Stillness
Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...
by Prasanta | May 5, 2012 | peace, Rest, Sleep
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8 *** Linking with Sandy...
by Prasanta | Sep 2, 2011 | Five Minute Friday, peace, Rest
At the end of it, he did what I sometimes have a hard time doing. He worked, and then he said he would take a rest. It was God who said it. And it was God who did it. He worked for six days and then took a sabbath rest. I guess I can’t imagine God resting. But...
by Prasanta | Mar 24, 2011 | Rest
It’s easier to understand physical rest… but what about emotional rest? Today I’m challenged with the idea of considering emotional rest, and responding to how I do this in my own life. I can think of a few things have worked for me: 1)...
by Prasanta | Dec 1, 2009 | God's love, Rest, Treasures, Uncategorized
I haven’t posted in a while. All of you reading this regularly (how many of you are there?a handful?? lol) know that. Thanks for hanging in there with me. There are reasons. I won’t go into all of them at this moment. Just returned from a Thanksgiving trip...
by Prasanta | Jun 8, 2009 | Affirmation, Family, Rest
Last night, as a family, we roasted hot dogs & marshmallows. Just us. Usually, we do those things when we have company. It was a joy to simply do it by ourselves. It showed the children that they are special enough to do this when we don’t have company, when...
by Prasanta | May 9, 2009 | Christianity, Freedom, God's love, Path, Promises, Purpose, Rest, Shelter, Treasures
In The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis writes that, in heaven, the grass itself seems to be alive. The “ghosts” (those just up from hell) can’t step on the grass without hurting their feet, while the “solid people” who’ve been in heaven...
by Prasanta | Apr 13, 2009 | Rest
Unless you’ve truly walked in the shoes of someone else, you can’t possibly understand them completely. And even if you have walked a similar path, still– our circumstances are all so different, we can’t possibly know completely about them, or...