by Prasanta | Jul 27, 2018 | social media, Technology, Uncategorized
I first noticed it about a year ago, though it could have been going on for longer, and probably was. Recently I was talking to my daughter about shopping at Meijer and Wal-Mart. Meijer is quite a bit further so I choose not to go there and shop at Wal-Mart...
by Prasanta | Jun 22, 2018 | Friday Feature, News, social media
I’m starting something new here on Fridays. I’m calling it the: It could be something funny and frivolous. It could be something fascinating. Or, it could be something serious and thought-provoking (I tried really hard to find a word that means...
by Prasanta | May 7, 2016 | Kindness, social media
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ~ Colossians 1:17 Words fall heavy. We use words to communicate with one another, whether it be a close friend or a stranger, whether it be through book, blog post, e-mail, or social media....
by Prasanta | Jul 11, 2014 | Poetry, social media
Internet Tea I can’t tweet on the phone anymore, I’ve got a date with my mouse; must let my fingers do the typing (not walking, that was the Middle Ages), while I sip tea and eat blackberry and apple pie I can’t face this book, I’ve got to digg in deep, since...