Leaf Maker

Leaf Maker

Leaf  Abscission (noun)* the act of cutting off; sudden termination. Botany. the normal separation of flowers, fruit, and leaves from plants. Leaves change color in a glorious display for only a short time, only to fall to the ground, dead. Trees lose their...

The Mysterious Beautiful… Ache

A friend posted this on her facebook status recently: ‎”I walked a mile with Pleasure;/ She chatted all the way;/ But left me none the wiser/ For all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow,/ And ne’er a word said she;/ But, oh! The things I learned...

The Mysterious Beautiful… Ache

On Fridays, I often like to participate in a Five Minute Friday writing prompt over here at thegypsymama.com. Today’s prompt is “Ache”.  *** GO A friend posted this on her facebook status yesterday: ‎”I walked a mile with Pleasure;/ She chatted...