Advent Devotional Series

Advent Devotional Series

The four weeks leading up to Christmas are often referred to as “Advent.” The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word “adventus,” meaning “coming” and is a translation of the Greek word “Parousia,” which refers to the second coming of Christ. The second coming is how...

Poetry by Madeleine L’Engle

Madeleine L’Engle is probably best known for her book A Wrinkle in Time (which remained one of my favorite books growing up), but did you know she wrote sequels to A Wrinkle in Time, and she also wrote poetry, nonfiction, and several volumes of memoirs, totaling...

Seven Days in NICU and a Christmas Eve Miracle

18 years ago, when she was born on this day, Christmas Eve, at 10:04 in the morning, she was not breathing. Thankfully, the hospital had a NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and an emergency team ready- and she was intubated. After I awoke from general anesthesia...

The High Calling: Why I Joined

Recently I joined an online community called “The High Calling”. Soon after I joined, I received a welcome e-mail from Dena Dyer, the High Calling’s “Welcome Wagon”  (and author, speaker, blogger) 🙂 , and one of the things she asked me to do was to write a blog entry...