I’m Writing a Book!

  I’m thrilled and honored to announce that I recently signed a contract to write my first book! I began writing online in 2009; but I was writing, of course, long before then. Writing has been part of my life since I was a child. I’ve always wanted...

Writing Every Day

A few months ago, in October, I participated in something called “write31”, which is essentially a link-up for anyone who wanted to blog each day during the month of October. I blogged daily, writing a series on communication. I don’t think anyone...

Back from Brief Blog-Vacation

Hi. I’ve missed you! I’ve had a brief blog vacation. My mind needed a writing interlude to think and stretch a bit… and once I gave myself permission to rest from blog-writing for a short time, the break turned out to be just the refreshment I...

The High Calling: Why I Joined

Recently I joined an online community called “The High Calling”. Soon after I joined, I received a welcome e-mail from Dena Dyer, the High Calling’s “Welcome Wagon”  (and author, speaker, blogger) 🙂 , and one of the things she asked me to do was to write a blog entry...