Did you hear a court recently granted a university in Ohio the ability to trademark the word “THE”? It’s true! Here’s a link to the news story I’m referencing. I did a double-take when I saw that news. How do you trademark the word...
Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. ~ Susan Sontag I have to pause for a few moments here and write a little bit about something. Mainly a word of thanks. I will be attending a writing...
Happy Birthday to Madeleine L’Engle, who would have turned 99 today. She is one of my favorite writers. You know the question or similar varieties of the question, “If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?” One of the...
Julia Cameron, in her book The Artist’s Way, advocates taking a weekly “artist date”. What is an artist date? She explains: “The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date...
I think if God didn’t design it so that we’d have to sleep… I might not. What I mean is, I have days when I’d like to keep writing, or working on a project– or whatever I’m doing, and I’d rather not stop because it is late and...
Last fall, we planted about a hundred in our yard– yellow, red, and pink tulips, and a row of daffodils. The yellow ones bloomed this past week, spurts of sunshine in the yard. When I was about 8 or 9, we went to a drive-in movie (remember those?) and we watched...
Today’s Friday, and on Fridays, I usually participate in a fun five minute writing exercise, over here, at the Gypsy Mama; she provides the prompt and the link-up party. The rules? Write for 5 minutes straight, no editing! {And, after reading my five minute...
Pick a Day… {Day 13 of 31 Days} Since yesterday was about making a creative space… today is about using the space! If you are just beginning to carve out the spaces like I am, and are trying to find ways and means to continue in creative work, you may also feel...
Do you need a place to create, think, write, pray? A creative space offers a designated space to make your art. And making your art, doing the creative things you are gifted with, nourishes the spirit and soul. I encourage you to find a place for this, if you don’t...
A friend e-mails, asking if we want to join in their upcoming craft/rummage sale by bringing in any handmade items? They will advertise on Craig’s List. My daughter and I, we say yes. She begins brainstorming, searching for ideas, and decides on a project. She...