
The Five Minute Friday word prompt: Connected Instructions: 1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking. 2. Link back here and invite others to join in. OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on Connected. GO: I call because...

On Friends

Writing today on the topic of “friendship”, a five minute writing prompt, hosted by Rules: write for 5 minutes, no editing. GO I love to be myself, to be real, and it is freeing to be around people that like me as I am. There is nothing...

A Tender Post by Ann…

Just this today. Ann’s post. I was so touched by her words… brought tears. How shields are also cages, and how women can reach out and help other women heal.  Here’s some of what she says, I can’t repeat it, only quote some of  it: And when...