One More Day

The wind whispers in the leaves, “Change is coming, can you hear it?” Autumn breezes softly blow and colors subtly change. The wind scatters the few fallen leaves like my thoughts. That is when I remember the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, a gentle...

Stag Zigzag and Other Happenings

Usually on my walks, I am simply praying, thinking, talking to God, and listening. Because the fall has been mild, lately I’ve had the pleasure of observing a little bit of wildlife in the neighborhood. I’ve seen a heron near the shore of the river, on a...


It’s the place we come back to: the place we started. It’s the first step to any dream: taking a step, however small it might be. Famous people often refer back to this place, where they first started; where they began, whether a politician or movie star...

The Quiet

Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...

The Quiet

Sometimes a person just needs to be bathed in it… drenched and soaked. I close my eyes and hear it all around me… the incessant murmur of the sounds that make up my days. And while those can get truly get loud, it’s the ones in my head that are truly...

One More Day

The wind whispers in the leaves, “change is coming, can you hear it?” Autumn breezes softly blow and colors subtly change. The wind scatters the few fallen leaves like my thoughts. That is when I remember the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, a gentle...

Pizza, Wine, Soul Mate

I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new… and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea– that the broken places in...

In The End

I learned something new recently, from the Beth Moore study I’m in currently, which is the latest version of her study called “Breaking Free”.  All of the material and thoughts below are from her Bible study– all of the credit goes to Lifeway...

Being Renewed

I am reflecting today on what it means to be “renewed”. If a person is renewed, he is a “new creature”, the “old has passed away, the new has come.” We are admonished to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy...