by Prasanta | Jan 26, 2018 | Giving, God's love, Hope
What I give: Barely. Enough. What He gives? More than. When I’m fed up, I say, “I’ve had enough!” What He says? “I AM.” What I offer? Just. What He offers me? More than. It’s always this, Him giving more than,...
by Prasanta | Dec 12, 2017 | Advent, Hope, Jesus
One year, not too long ago, my kids were participating in a White Elephant gift exchange at a Christmas party. We ended up wrapping a very tiny gift in a small box, and then wrapping that little box in a slightly larger box, and then wrapping that box in an even...
by Prasanta | Aug 30, 2017 | Becoming Whole, Books, Faith, Hope, Jesus
“Goodbye is a necessary life skill.” – from Beth Moore’s book, Get Out of That Pit Indeed. In our lives we have circumstances in which saying a goodbye could be difficult and painful. And then, there are also those awkward kinds of...
by Prasanta | Jun 18, 2017 | God's love, God's Word, Hope, Song Lyrics, Summer, Writing
God has promises not only for our lives today, but also for our future. Today may be dark and uncertain, but we do have hope for something beautiful. Some (or perhaps much) of that future goodness may only be known and understood on the other side of this earth. In...
by Prasanta | Mar 8, 2017 | Hope, Poetry, Spring
I didn’t plan to write about trees. It just so happens I saw a poem about willow trees on a website, and a corresponding article about willow trees and aspirin, which prompted me to write about willow trees here. I happened to come across a poem (posted near the...
by Prasanta | Dec 13, 2016 | Advent, Hope, Jesus, Journey, Joy, Pain, Path, Truth
38 “How many loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they found out, they said, “Five—and two fish.” 39 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. 40 So they sat down in groups of hundreds and...
by Prasanta | Mar 30, 2016 | God's love, grace, Hope, Jesus, One Thousand Gifts, Salvation, the cross
I step out of the water, my long hair dripping wet. I was 13 and it was Easter Sunday night in a medium-sized church in the deep south when I was baptized… but it’s years later when I read Ann Voskamp’s prose in her Journal, where she writes about...
by Prasanta | Dec 30, 2015 | Hope, Jesus
The song “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” reminds me of Job when I read the following lines: And in despair I bowed my head: ‘There is no peace on earth, ‘ I said ‘For hate is strong, and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to...
by Prasanta | Dec 22, 2015 | Advent, Uncategorized
Can you remember a time when you expectantly waited for something for days, weeks, months, even years? And when you finally received that thing which you hoped for, do you remember the joy that followed? Last week, I wrote about hope . After hope, comes the...
by Prasanta | Dec 17, 2015 | Advent, Hope
Conversations are replete with statements of events, gatherings, to-do lists… I rarely hear anyone say they have ample time to rest this time of year. Is it possible to choose rest and consider long and deep the meaning of the holy night so long ago? Instead, I...